Friday, May 17, 2013

Finding the peace once again.

It has been a little bit sense my last posting.   The chickens have gotten big.   They are no longer our little babies although I still call them my babies.    I struggled to find the right design for the outside coop for them.  Because of this I procrastinated until it was time to get them outside.   I went to the hardware store and go a bunch of 2 X 4’s and chicken wire and set out to make them a new home.   I intended on building something small enough to move around easily so they could be on fresh grass every few days. However I ended up with something that we could walk in easy so the family could interact with the babies.   So it is a lot heavier than I anticipated, but it fits for everyone’s needs though.  In another few months the babies should be laying some fresh eggs for us, I can’t wait!

My baby Pat

Today I was chatting with a good friend on Facebook today and she really brought to light something I have lost sight of the last few months.   She had just recently has gone through a similar situation that I had been through.  What she reminded me was the true peace and happiness of the that situation.   It got me thinking, over the last few months I have really let life take all over that happiness and joy that I once had.   It is interesting how easy it is to be caught up in life and its problems.   I am so glad I talked with her so I could put my life back into prospective.