Friday, April 3, 2015

Can we afford to be judgmental?

It seems in today’s times it’s fashionable to be so judgmental and to pick a radical political side.   Not too long ago in the past that we as people could come to a common agreements and meet in the middle on subjects.    We really see this in politics and religion today and it makes me sad.   

As one of the great countries we still are knowingly discriminating on all kinds of citizen’s.    If you’re gay people are not serving them food all in the name of religious freedom.   The homeless in your community that you walk by and look down on in disgust and think horrible things about because they don’t have a place to call home..    What about the immigrant worker just trying to make a new life for their family living in fear of being deported.    

I is heartbreaking that North Dakota were I am currently living just voted down the bill SB2279 which would have amended the law to add sexual orientation to the law of things to you can’t discriminate against   North Dakota is one of the states that is growing the fastest and yet they choose to stay in the dark ages.  .  It is sad in today’s age I can be terminated from my job or not rented a house because of who my life partner is here in North Dakota and the legislators are okay with that.  How is that serving all the people in the community?

That brings me back to the just treating people in a kind and respectful way because it’s just the right thing to do.