Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wheres the Love?

 We have a dog named Oscar.   I remember the night I brought him home he just jumped right up next to Tina on the couch and made himself home like he was part of the family.   From that point on he has been bringing joy to our family.  What amazes me is his endless love that he gives to each one of us in the family.  He always loves on someone, and it is always unconditional.   If you’re sick he knows it and he’s right there to comfort you as well.    If he sees your sad he comes right over and gives you kisses.
I wonder how the world would be if we all had the trait of unconditional love?  One of the greatest commandments that Jesus taught is in Mark 12:31 is Love your neighbor as yourself.  There is no commandment greater than these.   It seems that society has come to a point where we can’t love each other or we can only love you with conditions.   A good example of this is the Million moms group that most recently tried to boycott JC Penny’s for having Ellen DeGeneres promoting their products.  Now they are protesting Toys R Us because they are selling Archie comic that has a gay couple getting married on the cover.  We see it in politics today as well; all the republican candidates are trying to outdo each other on who is the most conservative and just saying nasty things.  We also see it in the Democrats as well painting the Republicans in a bad way too. 
 We are all uniquely designed and because of this we are all different, we should not let these differences stop us from loving each other.   I am going to try to take Oscars view on love and put it into practice in my life.

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